Red, a documentary, directed by Mr. Kadir Akin, about the life, views and struggles of Matteos “Paramaz” Sarkissian, a leader of the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party, who was executed in 1915 along with his 19 Hunchakian comrades at Beyazıt Square, premiered in Istanbul on October 12, 2017.
The documentary, based on the book written by Mr. Akin “Armenian Revolutionary Paramaz – Armenian Socialists and Genocide from Abdulhamid to Ittihat Terakki” examined Paramaz’s statements, ideas, and actions, along with the Armenian Question in the Ottoman Empire and the subsequent Armenians Genocide.
Among those attending the premier were; Mr. Garo Paylan member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Mr. Alex Keushkerian, member of the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party Central Committee, representatives of Turkey’s; Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Republican People’s Party (CHP), Socialist Party of Refoundation (SYKP) and Party of Labour (EMEP), representatives of various institution, intellectuals and writers, as well as large number of Turkish citizens of Armenian descent.
After thanking the audience, Mr. Akin stated the documentary will be entered into international film festivals and be shown at special screenings throughout Turkey and the world.