WELLESLEY, MA – The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) Boston Child Care Committee is proud to once again celebrate our “Hyeminds” to support the Khoren and Shooshanig Avedisian School.

Please join us at the Wellesley Country Club on the evening of November 7, 2024, for what promises to be an event we’ll not soon forget.

Established in 1998, the Avedisian School is an institution that provides exceptional K-12 tuition-free education in a modern, environmentally-friendly building, using state-of-the-art facilities. Thanks to the vision and generosity of its benefactors, Edward and Pamela Avedisian, the school continues to make an extraordinary impact on the lives of Armenian children in the low-income Yerevan district of Malatia-Sebastia.

The Avedisian School has grown to have an even greater impact, as world events have displaced and compelled Armenians from other locations to seek safety, peace and hope. For those moving to Malatia-Sebastia, the school has become a beacon, brighter than ever – opening their doors even wider to meet the needs of young Armenians. But as class numbers have doubled, and more students get opportunities, fiscal demands have grown as well. In order to keep the education critically tuition-free, the need for support right now is greater than it has ever been.

Our evening will be one of support, unity, and determination. “Hyeminds” is our rallying cry to stand behind our amazing and deserving children who can – and will – be Armenia’s leaders, if simply given the opportunity for an education and a helping hand.

Join us! The Committee, chaired by Susan Adamian Covo and Phyllis Dohanian, have put together a unique and exciting program. Highlighted by special guest, British-Armenian Kev Orkian. Among his many talents, Kev is an award-winning actor, musician, motivational speaker and stand-up-comedian. He dedicates much of his time to traveling the globe to entertain audiences, so come expecting to laugh. And given that Kev recently had the opportunity to visit the Avedisian school in Yerevan in person, come expecting to be inspired, too.

Accompanying cocktails and dinner will be a live auction. Special auction items will include a stunning, diamond bracelet generously donated by Long’s Jewelers in Burlington, round-trip first-class airfares to London or Paris, and more.

For reservations or for more information, please contact Phyllis Dohanian at 617-510-0395 or the AMAA at 201-265-2607, extension 124. To make an online reservation or donation, please visit amaa.org/bostonchildcare2024. All proceeds will benefit this special School and all contributions in excess of the value of goods and services received are tax deductible.

We hope you’re able to join us in person to feel the amazing collective energy in the room for this vital cause. Regardless, the AMAA is deeply appreciative of your generous support for the life-altering impact of the Avedisian School.

“Every day I dream big. Some days are good days, some days are not so good, but every day is a blessing.” – Kev Orkian

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