LISBON — The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation announces a new prize programme exclusively for teachers in the Armenian language in the Diaspora.

Armenian school teachers around the world are giving their lessons online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. While online teaching has put a tremendous burden on many teachers, both pedagogically and personally, we are also witnessing some innovative ways to teach throughout diasporan schools.

A growing number of resourceful educators are adapting to the new methods and harnessing technological tools in their virtual classrooms. In recognition of their efforts, and in line with its focus on language, particularly Western Armenian, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation would like to encourage the online initiatives of various teachers in the Diaspora who regularly use the Armenian language in their teaching by giving prizes for the most innovative, original and effective mechanisms or tools being developed and used.

These could include videos, lesson plans, e-books, story-telling, the set-up of virtual classrooms and any other pedagogic materials developed by the teachers in the context of online teaching. The content of the lessons/materials has to be in the Armenian language, but they do not necessarily have to be for the Armenian language classes per se. For example, entries on math, science, geography or any other subject taught in Armenian also qualify.

The selection of winners will be made on a bi-weekly basis until the end of May. The winning entries will receive 500 USD.

Submissions and questions should be sent to [email protected] until 31 May 2020.

For more information regarding the conditions of this programme visit:

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