Members of the Turkish National Assembly, Ebru Günay and Garo Paylan, representing the opposition People’s Democratic Party (HDP), during a tour in South America met with representatives of the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party of Uruguay and Argentina.
At the S.D. Hunchakian Party Center in Montevideo, Uruguay, S.D.H.P. Executive Committee Chair Daniel Manuelian welcomed Günay and Paylan and expressed the S.D.H.P.’s support for their struggle in Turkey for justice and democracy.
For their part; Paylan and Günay updated their hosts on the current situation in Turkey and the ongoing crackdown on Erdogan’s government against the Kurds. They expressed concern that, as it happened to Armenians in the past, Kurds would be subject to genocide today. The two figures called for the Armenians of South America to support the struggle of the Kurds and to work with local political circles in this regard.
On this occasion, S.D.H.P. member Laura Arslanian presented the guests with stamps dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and the 100th Anniversary of the S.D.H.P., published by the Uruguayan State Post Office.
Garo Paylan also visited Montevideo’s Paramaz Square, and paid his respects to the legendary champion of justice and democracy.
In Buenos Aires, Günay and Paylan visited the S.D.H.P.’s “Sharjoum” Cultural Union, where they were received by Argentina’s S.D.H.P. Executive Committee members and the “Sharjoum” Cultural Union Board.
S.D.H.P. Executive Chairman Carlos Darbinyan praised the two young legislators for their active leadership to garner human rights protection for all in Turkey.
The Board Chair of “Sharjoum” Cultural Union, Sergio Abrazyan stressed the importance of the visit to understand the unfiltered current situation in anti-democratic Turkey today.
Expressing gratitude for a warm welcome, Paylan emphasized that just as the Hunchakian figure of the past Paramaz and his friends, preached solidarity and peace among different peoples, the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) reaps strength from their memories and strives to continue their legacy.
S.D.H.P. member and prominent Argentinian attorney Dr. Eduardo Dante Asilian presented the guests with his extensive book on the history of the S.D.H.P. in Spanish, entitled “Un Pueblo…Un Partido” (One Nation…One Party).
During their visit to the S.D.H.P. Centers, Garo Paylan and Ebru Günay were accompanied by their adviser Sevan Deirmandjian and Chairman of the Armenian Center in Argentina Carlos Manoogian, on whose initiative the Turkish parliamentarians are visiting South America.
Paylan and Günay’s South America tour included Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Brazil.