Over eight months ago on June 27, Jacques Mirachian, a father of three with no criminal background was arrested and detained by I.C.E. agents in Farmington, MI as he was driving home from picking up his children from school. Jacques was handcuffed and detained as his family watched on the front lawn. He was transferred to various detention centers across the Midwest where he awaits deportation to Lebanon in a few weeks.

Very little information has been provided to the family by I.C.E., including a definitive timeframe on Jacques’ final deportation date. In an effort to raise funds for high legal costs, loss of income due to Jacques arrest and living costs for when he reaches Lebanon, the family has created a Go Fund Me page with a goal of twenty five thousand dollars.

Like many others, Jacques escaped the civil war in Lebanon 30 years ago when he immigrated to the United States as a teenager with his parents. He attended high school in Hollywood, worked hard to establish a new life, married his wife and raised three children.

His daughter Sarinne, who has created the Go Fund Me page describes her father as a kind, caring and light-hearted man. “He has an infectious personality that everyone in his life gravitates towards,” stated Sarinne. “Anyone who knows him would tell you what a great guy he is and how he always put the needs of others in front of his.”

The Go Fund Me Page is at the following link: https://www.gofundme.com/support-father-of-3-being-deported

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