YEREVAN (Armradio) — Yerevan Mayor Hayk Marutyan has condemned the desecration of the monument to Holocaust and Armenian genocide victims.

“Encroachment on any monument is a completely unacceptable and condemnable act that should be excluded from our city,” the Mayor said.

“Representatives of different nationalities have lived side by side in Yerevan for centuries, proudly bearing the honorable title of being a citizen of Yerevan along with their nationality, and no motive can undermine that solidarity,” he added.

He voiced hope that the law enforcement agencies would respond quickly and adequately.

The “To Live and Not Forget” Holocaust memorial in the Armenian city of Yerevan was desecrated with paint sprayed all over the Hebrew writings.

The memorial was built to honor both the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide victims and consists of two primary pillars, with “To Live and Not Forget: To the Memory of the Victims of the Genocides of the Armenian and Jewish Peoples” written in Armenian on the right pillar and Hebrew on the left pillar.

  1. Such vandalism is wrong and unacceptable.

    However, it would be good if Israel would recognize the Armenian Genocide just as Armenia has recognized and memorialized the Holocaust.

    Israel should also apologize and, yes, pay reparations for the death and destruction its weapons caused Christian Armenians during the 44 day war.

    Also, the many Jewish and Israeli writers who have been denigrating, insulting, and lying about Armenia and Artsakh for many years, because of the Israeli-Azerbaijani alliance, should stop.

  2. Well said to the Zionist leaders in Israel, USA and diaspora, but not to the otherwise peaceful and traumatised majority Jewish nation who do feel injustice(s) and sympathise with the Armenian nation… But the very act of vandalism to the Memorial is both vile and unacceptable to almost all Armenians.

  3. it would be good if Israel would recognize the Armenian Genocide just as Armenia has recognized and memorialized the Holocaust.
    Israel should also apologize and, yes, pay reparations for the death and destruction its weapons caused Christian Armenians during the 44 day war.
    Also, the many Jewish and Israeli writers who have been denigrating, insulting, and lying about Armenia and Artsakh for many years, because of the Israeli-Azerbaijani alliance, should stop.

  4. It is wrong to desecrate the holocaust memorial whoever did should be apprehended and punished.
    If we really want to do some thing against Israel we should close our embassy in Israel and close the Israeli embassy in Armenia. Yes there are a lot of decent Israelis and Jews but when it comes to Armenians and Armenia the government of Israel has always “sided” with the Turks and Azerbaijanis.
    First even though the Israeli government knows very well that Turkey perpetrated the Armenian genocide proven by Jewish,Turkish Armenian and many other scholars to date it hasn’t recognized the Armenian genocide of course this is not a prerequisite to close an embassy but when it came to the Artsakh (karabakh) war, even though Israel knew that it was not only Azerbaijani and Artsakh/Armenian war, but Turkey actively participated not only taking over the leadership and commanding the war efforts bringing special Turkish units. Recruiting thousands of jihadist Arab terrorists Pakistani fighters etc, and our “ally” Russia also closed its eyes, ears and mouth. And when Armenia’s prime minister during the war asked Israel to stop providing the latest drones and weapons to Azerbaijan Israel refused to do so. In addition I heard that Israel gave intelligence reports about the mountainous areas to facilitate Azerbaijani/Turkish/Pakistani/ jihadist Arab terrorists attacks (I can’t verify this but I wouldn’t be surprised with all those drone informations). All these not only caused loss of our liberated territories destructions of cities and villages, tens of thousands of refugees, deaths of several thousand youth who had bright futures and thousands of disabled veterans. Yes the person who vandalized should be apprehended and punished but Armenia should seriously think about it’s diplomatic relations with is Israel we have nothing against the Israeli people nor Jews.

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