Roma Cares delivered 117 care packages to the Armenian Embassy in Rome on Friday, for them to be distributed to the Roma fan club in Armenia.

Over the next few days the packages, which contain clothing and other sports gear, will be sent to the president of the Roma Armenia Giallorossi Fan Club, after he requested support from the club and its charity foundation in the wake of the conflict that has broken out in the region in recent weeks.

“Leaving the politics to one side for a moment, Roma Cares is there and will continue to be there for the club’s fans who are most in need – wherever they may be,” said Guido Fienga, the club’s CEO.

“With this donation we are taking a first step towards helping the children, women and men who are currently struggling in very difficult circumstances.”

Inside the care packages are training gear, sweatshirts, hoodies, t-shirts and other clothing items, intended to be distributed among those children and adults.

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