MISSION HILLS — The Ararat-Eskijian-Museum, The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR), and Kharpert Cultural Association present an illustrated talk by author Matthew Karanian “The Armenian Highland Western Armenia and the First Republic of 1918”.
Sunday May 5th, 2019, 4:00 P.M, at Ararat-Eskijian Museum, Sheen Chapel 15105 Mission Hills Road Mission Hills, CA 91345.
The Armenian Highland is a geographic term that has been used for millennia to identify the vast highland plateau of Asia Minor—the ancient homeland of the Armenian nation. One century ago, and lasting for a period of thirty months, the Armenians formed an independent democratic republic for the first time in their history, on lands that covered roughly 20 percent of their homeland on the Armenian Highland. Today, the words Armenian Highland have been purged from most maps and the Armenians have a free state on just 10 percent of their ancestral lands on this Highland. But the cultural history of the Armenians here is still present. Author and lawyer Matthew Karanian explores this vast Armenian homeland in his new book The Armenian Highland. His illustrated presentation celebrates the ancestral home that Armenians today know as Western Armenia, as well as Ani and Kars, on the lands of the Armenian Highland that are located outside the borders of today’s Republic of Armenia.
Matthew Karanian practices law in Pasadena, California, and he is a former law professor and associate dean of the law school at the American University of Armenia. He is the author of several books about Armenia and he is the 2016 recipient of Armenia’s Arshile Gorky Medal, in recognition of his service to homeland and for his role in helping to unite the homeland and the worldwide diaspora of Armenians.
Copies of will be available for purchase “The Armenian Highland Western Armenia and the First Republic of 1918” will be available for purchase”.
Admission free (Donations appreciated), reception following the program. For more information call the Ararat-Eskijian Museum at 747-500-7584 or email [email protected]