YEREVAN — Within the frames of “Aid to Syrian Armenians” initiative by IDeA Foundation (Initiatives for Development of Armenia), a meeting took place today in Yerevan, dedicated to integration of repatriated Syrian Armenians in homeland and assessment of their needs.

This meeting, organized by joint efforts of IDeA Foundation, Repat Armenia Foundation and Mission Armenia organization with the support of Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), was attended by more than 50 Syrian Armenians, 16 of which moved to Armenia within the frames if IDeA’s initiative.

Syrian Armenians, which moved to Armenia for permanent residence earlier, were also invited. They introduced the newcomers to their success stories of integrating, working and doing business in their historical homeland.

“It is very important for Syrian Armenians to overcome the psychological difficulties of integration. That is why we decided to organize an experience exchange between the newcomers and those, who moved here earlier,” said Vartan Marashlyan, Executive Directors at Repat Armenia.

The invited representatives of a number of Armenian companies and organizations presented available job vacancies.

According to Armen Minsayan, coordinator of “Aid to Syrian Armenians” initiative, IDeA foundation helps both Armenians living in Aleppo and repatriated Armenians.

“This meeting, organized by joint efforts with our partners, gives a good opportunity to discuss issues, relating integration of Syrian Armenians, objectively assess their needs and try to find ways of providing them with jobs. We plan to hold such meetings on a regular basis,” the coordinator of Air to Syrian Armenians initiative said.

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