BERLIN ( — A legislative motion is included on June 2 Bundestag agenda entitled “The 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide happened in 1915/1916: Germany’s obligation to encourage reassessment and reconciliation”, which is introduced by leftists and number of other MPs.
The bill envisages to univocally acknowledge the facts of systematic massacres of 1,5 million of Armenians and their forced deportation committed by the Young Turks, naming the move as “planned and systematic mass extermination of the Armenia population in the Ottoman Empire as Genocide”.
The bill also states that acknowledgment comes in line with provisions of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1948.
The resolution to be debated particularly highlights the acknowledgment of the German Empire’s involvement in the Armenian Genocide with relative demands presented to the German government.
“The German Bundestag apologizes to Armenian women and men for the complicity of the German Empire to the Genocide,” the resolutions states.
The bill also sets out a number of practical steps and instructions to the German government aimed at improving Armenian-Turkish relations, including information about the Armenian Genocide into German textbooks and organizing certain cultural events.