Antranik Baghdassarian, President Armenia Fund, and Khoren Bandazian, Esq., President, Armenia Fund USA
Antranik Baghdassarian, President Armenia Fund, and Khoren Bandazian, Esq., President, Armenia Fund USA

Dear Fellow Armenians and Friends:

This year for Armenians in the United States, Thanksgiving has taken a new meaning. Coming off the heels of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, we are grateful for our survival and triumph, culminating in the birth of the modern day Republic of Armenia and the liberation of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh). Since independence, Armenia Fund united hundreds of thousands of its generous donors and volunteers around the world. Armenia Fund, literally, became the locomotive empowering an ever-engaging and selflessly-motivated Armenian Diaspora – the strategic cornerstone critical for the viability of Armenia’s independent statehood.

In this spirit of unity and support, the New York and the Los Angeles affiliates of Armenia Fund have come together to jointly present the 2015 International Thanksgiving Day Telethon – “Our Home” to be aired November 26th. This appeal is going to all our supporters regardless of state and all donations will come to one place, California. By streamlining our efforts and combining our unique talents and resources, we will better serve Armenia and Artsakh by reducing costs and operational expenses, thus allowing more funds to be allocated for projects.

This year Armenia Fund is appealing to all Armenians around the world to rally resources for our largest humanitarian project yet – building new, fully furnished single family homes for families in Artsakh who have 5 or more children and live in inadequate housing. Medical research shows that overcrowding and poor living conditions result in slow growth in children and severely increases the risk of disease including meningitis, tuberculosis, asthma and heart disease.

We ask you to support this great humanitarian undertaking generously. The cost of one single family home (including land, furniture and appliances) is $50,000. We ask you to help parents of 5 or more children in Artsakh raise the next generation of Armenia’s and Artsakh’s scientists, doctors, statesmen and artists by giving them the housing they need to raise their children in a clean, modern and sanitary environment!

Serving Together for All Armenians,

Antranik Baghdassarian, President, Armenia Fund, Inc.
Los Angeles, California USA

Khoren Bandazian, Esq., President, Armenia Fund USA
New York, New York USA

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