According to the lawsuit, the Monument of Humanity is one of the samples of modern Turkish art by famous sculpture Mehmed Aksol Turkish. His sculptures decorate places of interest in Berlin, Istanbul and other cities, Milliyet daily reports.
As was reported earlier, City Council of Kars decided by a majority vote to demolish the monument dedicated to the Armenian-Turkish friendship, branded by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as “monstrous”.
In an interview with the Turkish Hurriyet, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated that the monument of Armenian Turkish friendship in Kars in “monstrousand it needs to be annihilated.
Erdogan said that he used the word “monster” on the monument. He said that he is not aware of the significance of this monument, but to assess the monument one does not need an education of an art critic.