By Arax Kasyan

YEREVAN (hayernaysor) “I am a bearer of two identities and consciousness. The first one – I am a dweller of Turkey,I am a citizen of the Republic of Turkey… and the second one – I am Armenian.” This way depicted himself the great Armenian, who directed his entire life and activity toward recovering the historical wounds between Armenia and Turkey and regulating relations between the two countries and peoples. Today the great Armenian – Hrant Dink, would turn 60 years old. In the course of his short, but meaningful life he fought for breaking in Turkey the current stereotypes on the Armenian Cause, and paid with his life for the dream of seeing Turkey more democratic and sincere. 7 years have passed after Dink’s death and though his dreams remain unrealized, his life and death paved the way for raising new questions in Turkey and searching answers.

During his lifetime, Dink was sure that the establishment of normal relations between Armenia and Turkey is the time demand and it should be imposed. About this he said, “No matter how much the nationalists escape applying the words “Armenian” and “Turkish” together, all the same, the destiny has doomed these two peoples to live in the same geographical zone, side by side and there is no alternative.”

He was sure that the issues existing between the two states and peoples should not be solved with interference of a third state. Related to the issue of discussing the Armenian Genocide Cause at parliaments and governments of differe1t states, he said, “Will our reality become a reality only if others accept it as well? Will our inner world get quiet when our reality remains a theme between the justice and injustice of the states that have witnessed the tragedy? According to him, only the dialogue could promote communication. By the way, Dink suggested communications not only at an official level but he also attached high importance to people’s diplomacy. Hrant Dink was of the opinion that one of the biggest obstacles to regulation of Armenian-Turkish relations was the historical discussions. He was sure that time and efforts are necessary for realizing the history in Turkey, as the process of understanding and transformation cannot happen in a day. “Today the task for Turkey is neither the denial nor the acceptance. Its main issue is realizing. This is possible only by development of a democratic fight in Turkey,” said Dink.

Living in Turkey, Dink never considered himself as alien. Being a true citizen, he fought up to the end for seeing a more progressive and democratic Turkey. When during the threats of nationalists addressed to him many urged him to leave Turkey and to come to the homeland – Armenia, Dink answered with resentment, saying that it is he who lives in the true homeland. “This is my country. It is true, we – Armenians have eyes on this land, because our roots are here,” he said.
And lived Dink in Turkey with innocence of the pigeon and true belief that they do not shoot at pigeons in that country… and was killed Dink by a Turkish conspirator, who shot at him from the back and did not have the courage to look into his eyes, instead only cried “gyavur”, without even thinking that the murder was committed on the ground of the Turkish centuries-long hostility classifying Turkey’s “White Pigeon” among the martyrs of the Armenian Genocide.

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