HAMBURG — On December 19, 2013, Armenian Council of Europe (ACE) representative Mr. Toros Sarian, participated in a peace and democracy conference in Hamburg, Germany along with several Turkish and Kurdish organizations and parties, including; DIDIF (Federation of Democratic Worker Societies), the ATIF (Federation of Workers from Turkey in Europe), Yekkom (Kurdish Workers Organization), ÖDP (Party for Freedom and Solidarity Party in Turkey), KKP (Communist Party of Kurdistan), ADHK (Confederation of Democratic People’s Organizations in Europe), Hevkar Kurdistan Workers’ Association in Hamburg, and Alevi organizations.
The participants agreed on the common efforts and to continue organizing conferences and seminars throughout Europe.
In his address to the conference, Mr. Toros Sarian congratulated the conference organizers and expressed the Armenian Council of Europe’s gratitude and support of every initiative and effort for the establishment of peace and democracy. He outlined the importance of the implementation of human and minority rights in Turkey.