It’s a Matter of Dignity
Every day is August 4 in Lebanon

It does not have to be August 4 for Lebanon to suffer.

Approaching a year and a half, Lebanon continues to face a sorrowful situation and deepening economic and financial crisis. According to the World Bank, this situation is dire and could rank among the world’s three worst crises since the mid-1800s.

What will a collapse mean and what shape will it take are questions that exasperate our most fearful imagination.

With no end in sight and months of suffering, individuals, families, schools and businesses are struggling to survive as days are consumed with finding medicine, fuel and other basic goods which are in short supply and nearly impossible to find, along with daily power outages which last for hours.

The AMAA’s emergency response in 2020 continues to work wonders today in collaboration with the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, as well as with the respective Education Boards and Social Action Committees in Beirut and Aleppo.

The Diaspora and the Homeland need to be creative and preplan means, ways and methods to salvage the most dreadful situation. Take Action Today! Your donation will be quickly turned into relief and pave the path for survival as conditions continue to worsen.

Zaven Khanjian
AMAA Executive Director/CEO


1 comment
  1. Dear zaven the donation should be used to help families move to the motherland not to keep them in Lebanon.

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