By, Krikor Khodanian
Recently, Prime Minister Pashinyan was interviewed by BBC’s HARD TALK program. As the name of the program suggests, the host’s questions were sharp and an attempt was made to put the Prime Minister in a tight spot. The uniqueness of this show is in its format and all the guests who appear on the show, receive similar treatment. Surely, Pashinyan agreeing to appear on such a program, knew beforehand, that this will be an adversarial interview and not a friendly one.
Despite criticism from different sides, the Prime Minister was able to present Armenia’s positions on various issues, including the recent military engagement with Azerbaijan, relations with Russia and other countries, and Armenia’s internal issues.
As far as the Prime Minister’s English is concerned, although not perfect, Pashinyan was able to express his thoughts effectively.
Shortly after the war, on his way back from abroad, Sargsyan told reporters on his plane that Armenia had lost 800 hectares of land and that they were fighting with 1980s weapons. Back then, this information was new for everyone. Since then, no one had publicly spoken about it, neither the opposition nor the press.
More than four years after the war and two years after being removed from power, Sargsyan suddenly remembers that the lost lands were not 800 hectares, but 400, the weapons of the 80s are still being used by many countries and that there is nothing wrong with that. In conclusion, he reiterated that the Armenian side won the war.
Some think that with his belated “clarifications” Sargsyan is trying to ward off any criticism, when the parliamentary committee investigating the circumstances surrounding the Four Day War, issues its final report which is expected next month.
On the other hand, French warships anchored at the wrecked Beirut port and 700 soldiers started taking part in the rescue operations. The British ships are also headed to Lebanon to provide aid and assistance. Furthermore, the FBI will take part in assisting the Lebanese investigators to identify the cause of the explosion.
Many believe that the presence of these countries on Lebanese soil will not be limited and new arrangements within the country are forthcoming, especially, since French President Emmanuel Macron is preparing to visit Beirut once again. There seems to be an international agreement to not allow Lebanon to become a failed state.
The newly appointed Minister of Environment Romanos Petrosyan promises to demolish houses, restaurants, entertainment venues and other construction on the shores of the lake that have been illegally built on public properties. Will the implementation of this decision reach Vladimir Gasparyan’s mansion? It remains to be seen.