Massis Post has learned of an episode of ‘SEAL Team’ airing tonight on CBS centered around the conflict between Armenian forces in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and the dictatorship of Azerbaijan. We are currently seeking a response from CBS and their communication team on how such blatant propaganda from Azerbaijan can be shared across a wide audience.

The episode description reads as such, “Bravo Team is on a mission in Azerbaijan to help retake a power plant in order to avoid political instability in the area, on SEAL TEAM, Wednesday, Oct. 16 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.”

Azerbaijan was responsible for a four-day war back in April of 2016 leading to the death of over 100 Armenian forces.

CBS’s portrayal of the Azeri regime as a democratic U.S. ally is not only factually incorrect, it sets a negative precedent and creates a path for other dictatorships to spew their propaganda through the American media.

In addition to creating a false narrative of the Azeri dictatorship as “the only US ally,” the episode portrays Armenia, a democratic, peaceful ally of the U.S. as the “enemy” when in fact, Azerbaijan’s dictatorship is guilty of committing ethnic cleansing against minorities, including Armenians.

Although the show is based on fictitious characters and a fictitious story line, it creates a dangerous stage for an already hostile situation between the two nations which have been at war for over two decades, endangering the lives of innocent Armenian civilians living in Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), an area where Azerbaijan has repeatedly violated ceasefire agreements and refuses to engage in peace negotiations with Armenia and Artsakh.

Armenia is a long-time ally and partner with the U.S. government. In the entire history of the Republic, there has never been a time where the two governments had been adversaries, as it is being falsely depicted in the episode.

MassisPost vehemently condemns the writer’s of the show for crafting a storyline fueled with false Azeri propaganda and the executives at CBS for allowing this episode, advancing Azerbaijan’s reckless agenda, to be broadcast tonight.

The Armenian Council of America (ACA) expressed it’s opposition to CBS airing the episode on Twitter underscoring the countless atrocities commited against Armenians by Aliyev’s dictatorial regime.

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