WATERTOWN, MA — The 100th Annual Meeting of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) was held at the Armenian Memorial Church of Watertown, MA on Saturday, October 19, 2019. AMAA President Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. presided over the meeting. Board member Rev. Ara Guekguezian offered the opening prayer and Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian, President of the Armenian Missionary Association of Australia offered the closing prayer.

During the Annual Meeting AMAA Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs, as well as delegates of the Armenian Evangelical Unions, the Armenian Evangelical World Council and affiliated organizations presented their annual reports, shared their joys and concerns and praised God for another successful year.

The general membership of the AMAA elected the following eight members to the Board of Directors Class of 2022 for a term of three years:  LindaKay Abdulian, Hrair Steven Aharonian, M.D., Rafi Balabanian, D.D.S., Phyllis Dohanian, Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D., Rev. Haig Kherlopian, D.Min., Seta Loshkajian Nalbandian and Michael Voskian, D.M.D.

In conjunction with the AMAA Annual Meeting, on October 17 and 18, the AMAA Board held a Strategic Planning Session and a Board meeting, and the Armenian Evangelical World Council held its meeting.

On Sunday, October 20, members and guests joined the congregation of the Armenian Memorial Church of Watertown, MA for Sunday Morning Worship Service.  Rev. Jeremy Tovmassian, Pastor of the Armenian Evangelical Church of greater Chicago preached in English and Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian, the President of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE), preached in Armenian. A special prayer was offered by Rev. Haroutune Selimian, President of the Armenian Evangelical Community of Syria in memory of AMAA members and friends who made the transition from this life to life eternal during the past fiscal year. Rev. Dr. Ron Tovmassian, Senior Pastor of the United Armenian Congregational Church of Los Angeles, CA officiated at the installation of the newly elected members of the AMAA Board of Directors.

At the conclusion of AMAA’s 100th Annual Meeting weekend, a special gathering and Commemorative Worship Service was held on Sunday, October 20 in the afternoon, at the Armenian Church of the Martyrs, Worcester, MA – The first Armenian Evangelical Church established in the USA in 1892 and the birthplace of AMAA in 1918. The Service was led by the Pastor of the Worcester Church Rev. Stephen Carlyle who welcomed the guests and charged them to recommit to Jesus Christ as people of faith from all around the world, and to serve the Lord together in Unity. Messages of Reflections of the past, current and hope for future were delivered by Zaven Khanjian, AMAA Executive Director/CEO, Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian, President of UAECNE and Taline Avakian Borekjian, a member of Worcester Church. During the Service hymns of praise were sung and special prayers were offered praising God for the past 100 years of faithful service of the AMAA and asking God’s guidance for the future.

The AMAA thanks Rev. Dr. Avedis Boynerian, Pastor of the Armenian Memorial Church of Watertown and its members for hosting its 100th Annual Meeting and for welcoming all with great warmth, hospitality, delicious meals and enthusiasm. May God continue to bless this congregation and their ministry.

The Armenian Missionary Association of America serves the religious, educational and social needs of Armenian communities in 24 countries around the world including Armenia and Artsakh. For additional information, you may visit www.amaa.org.


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