Two important events occurred on the eve of the 104th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. French President Emmanuel Macron fulfilled his pledge to designate April 24 as annual Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. Last week president Macron signed an official declaration to that effect. Once again the Turkish government expressed its displeasure and condemned the French move. Another important step in this direction was taken by the Italian Chamber of Deputies, adopting a resolution calling on the government to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide and raise the issue at all international levels. The Turkish reaction was similar, attacking conservative elements in Italy as being behind this move against them.

Meanwhile, in the United Stated a new resolution by the House of Representatives recognizing the Armenian Genocide has already garnered more than 70 sponsors. If this resolution is put to vote in Congress it is likely to pass.

In the past, several attempts were made to bring the Armenian Genocide resolutions to the floor of the House, but pressure from the White House and the State Department did not allow for a final vote to take place. The argument has always been the same, not to endanger the US-Turkey multifaceted geopolitical and strategic relations. Nowadays the bilateral relations between United States and Turkey are at their lowest point. On many international issues the two sides do not see eye to eye. The two countries are on opposite sides of the Syrian crises. Turkish move to purchase Russian C-400 missiles is cause for concern at Pentagon, where plans are being made to cancel the delivery of F-35 fighter planes to Turkey. US citizens are being detained in Turkish prisons and there are many who consider them as hostages. Trump administration placed tough sanctions on Turkey last August, and vowed to “devastate” the country’s economy. In one word, the relations between the two countries are falling apart.

The adoption of a resolution by the US Congress on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide can not have a major impact on the bilateral relations already in decline. The arguments put forward in the past have lost their validity. It is time for the Congress and the Federal Government to follow the example of 49 states which have already recognized the Armenian Genocide. It is time for America to join the European countries, which, in recent years have ignored the Turkish threats and took courageous steps towards historical justice.

The United States, which professes to stand up for high principles, should take its turn and officially recognize the Armenian Genocide.

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