MOSCOW — Armenian FM Edward Nalbandian today attended the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Lazaryan Seminary at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).

The event was attended by the MGIMO President and academician Anatoly Torkunov, University lecturers, alumni and students.

In his speech, Edward Nalbandian said: “It’s a great honor for me as an Arabist, orientalist, MGIMO graduate and Armenia’s FM to be present together with you at the opening of this exhibition. The history of Lazaryan Seminary is one of the brightest pages in the history of Armenia and Russia. It’s one of the most important pages of Moscow’s oriental school and MGIMO. ”

Lazaryan-2Lazaryan Seminary in Russia was the first educational institution preparing diplomats. At the same time it became an important center of Armenian culture. A number of eminent figures, representatives of Armenian, Russian and other people, such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Griboyedov, Aivazovsky and others, learnt here.”

In his speech, MGIMO President, academician Anatoly Torkunov referred to the rich scientific and literary heritage of the Seminary, noting that a unique literature was opened at the Seminary, which united rare editions of thousands of volumes and manuscripts, only small part of which has been preserved at the MGIMO.

“Nevertheless, the literary heritage of the Lazaryan Seminary is considered as the jewel of our university library. Even 13th century manuscripts have reached us due to the Lazaryan Seminary,” he said.

Following this, Edward Nalbandian toured the exhibition and familiarized himself with the Lazaryans’ library exhibits kept in the rare books section at the MGIMO.

The exhibited samples include the Lazaryan family photos and documents related to their activity, establishment of Lazaryan Seminary, etc.

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