MOSCOW ( — Turkey’s statements on Nagorno-Karabakh are destructive and can have no continuation, Alexander Lukashevich, Russia’s permanent representative to the OSCE, said during an interview on  “Russia 24” channel, RIA Novosti reports.

Earlier Ankara announced that it would do its best to return the Karabakh territories to Azerbaijan.

“This position isn’t supported by the OSCE. There is a strict understanding that the three co-chairs – Russia, France and U.S. – bear the main burden, as do the Minsk Group members themselves. By the way, Turkey is also included here. But the leading role is fixed, and it is acknowledged by the three co-chairs. That’s why the attempts to defend one of the parties to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are absolutely destructive and cannot have any continuation,” Lukashevich said, referring to the statements of the Turkish leadership.

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