PARIS — In an interview with the AFP news agency, Charles Aznavour called for help for migrants who arrive in Europe.

“I experience real suffering when I see these people and their children wandering around. Luckily I escaped a similar fate, but I am sure my immigrant parents passed through such hardships,” the legendary French-Armenian singer said stressing the need for measures to improve the condition of migrants.

The singer urged for efforts towards aiding the migrants, reiterating his earlier statement that many French villages and towns, forlorn by their residents, are enough for giving shelter to those people. There are doctors, motor mechanics, bakers and other specialists among them, which will enable to open schools and post offices in those small towns.

Aznavour said he believes that France will regain its one-time reputation of an exemplary country in case the idea is translated into action.

Aznavour did not rule out the possibility of a collaborative effort by different singers and composers to create a new song dedicated to the topic, like the song composed in 1989 to help Armenia in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake.

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