Co-Sponsored by The Knights & Daughters of Vartan and Facing History and Ourselves

NEW YORK — High School and College students are invited to participate in an essay contest to actively support the 99th Anniversary Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide that will be held in Times Square (46th St/Broadway)on Sunday, April 27, 2014 from 2-4 pm. Co-sponsors of the contest include the Knights & Daughters of Vartan, , an international Armenian fraternal organization with headquarters in the U.S. and Facing History and Ourselves,, an international educational and professional development organization.

One winner and two runner-ups will be selected by a distinguished panel of judges. First place winner will receive $300, second place runner-up will receive $200 and third place runner-up will receive $100. The winners will also be recognized at the Armenian Genocide Commemoration at Times Square on Sunday, April 27, 2014 and depending on time constraints, may read their essays.

The question to answer in this year’s essay is the following:

On the Threshold of the 100th Anniversary, How Should the World Recognize the Armenian Genocide?

The essay should be 800 words maximum, double-spaced 12 point Arial type: Please include student’s full name, age, teacher’s full name and subject area, name of high school or college, year in school, hometown/state, phone #, and email address at the top of each page of the essay.

The three winners will be contacted directly and announced to the mainstream and Armenian media the week of Monday, April 8, 2014.

Please submit essays by Monday, March 31, 2014 to Taleen Babayan via email at [email protected]

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