LOS ANGELES — The Armenian Bar Association is accepting applications for its Sixth Annual Scholarship Program. The Program is designed to support meritorious students of Armenian descent attending, or accepted for admission to, an approved law school in the United States, Armenia or elsewhere. Recipients must demonstrate an outstanding academic record as well as a strong commitment to the Armenian community, particularly in humanitarian and/or law-related endeavors. The Scholarship Program is primarily funded by donations and by fundraising events hosted by the Armenian Bar Association. In addition to the Scholarship Program, the Armenian Bar Association supports Armenian law students through its varied programs and events including the mentorship and internship programs and presentations by legal scholars.
Students interested in applying for an Armenian Bar Association scholarship should obtain an application at the Armenian Bar Association’s website (www.armenianbar.org).
The application deadline is April 30, 2011. The application must either be postmarked by April 30, 2011 or if e-mailed, it should be received no later than midnight (PST) of April 30, 2011.
The Armenian Bar Association is the largest organization of Armenian lawyers in the world. The Armenian Bar Association performs many functions on behalf of the Armenian community, such as responding to the press or media about topics relating to Armenians, educating American-Armenians regarding their legal rights, and advocating the rule of law in Armenia, all of which are important aspects of advancing both the economic and the humanitarian well-being of Armenia. The Armenian Bar Association also has engaged in many cross-national efforts between the United States and Armenia, such as hosting Armenian attorneys and judges in the United States and promoting Armenian-American attorneys’ involvement in the Armenian business and legal world, both as educators and as advisors.
On April 29 – May 1, 2011, the Armenian Bar Association will hold its 22nd Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California. For information on how you can register for this meeting, go to the Armenian Bar Association’s website at www.armenianbar.org.