YEREVAN — High technology industry is the fastest growing sphere in Armenia, according to Minister of High Tech Industry Hakob Arshakyan.

“In 2020, the turnover of high tech companies increased by 20.6%, more than 3.400 new specialists were attracted to the sphere, the average salary is more than 800.000 AMD (approximately $1,500)” – the Minister wrote on his Facebook page.

Survey results carried out by the Ministry of High Tech Industry among 150 Tech companies, the most demanded destinations, professions and technologies/platforms are mentioned in Armenia in the graphs below.

Judging by the numbers presented, as well as the dynamics of growth of the sphere, it is definitely possible to claim that the most demanded profession in Armenia is engineering in the field of high technologies.

The Minister urged those who want to get high education to specialize in physics, math, radio electronics, microelectric, mechanics, cybernetics, computer technology and other technology, making sure they can find quality jobs in Armenia later.

Armenians who want to change their profession, to get acquainted with the courses at and follow upcoming announcements of the ministry.

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