Congressman Adam Schiff has issued a statement condemning Azerbaijani aggression against Artsakh:

Overnight, Azerbaijan launched the largest attack in years on Artsakh, and early reports suggest there have been significant casualties. The United States must urgently work with other members of the Minsk Group to restore peace and prevent any further escalation which will endanger more lives.

This attack comes just months after a serious military exchange with Armenia along the international border. The aggression by Azerbaijan represents the failure of a policy of false equivalence that has looked the other way from Azerbaijan’s bellicose rhetoric and constant attacks. I have introduced legislation that would require U.S. intelligence agencies to assess who initiated this and other skirmishes, a necessary step to hold Azerbaijan accountable.

  1. Good statement by Cong. Schiff.

    It could have been stronger, however, considering the large number of Armenian Americans in his district.

    I would like to see Congress excoriate Israel for supplying Azerbaijan with billions in advanced arms.

    How about it, Mr. Schiff and Congress?

    1. Schiff’s mention of “legislation that would require U.S. intelligence agencies to assess who initiated this and other skirmishes” appears to reference H.R.7856 – Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. It includes the following section:
      (a) Assessment Required.—Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of National Intelligence shall submit to the congressional intelligence committees a written assessment regarding tensions between the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan, including with respect to the status of the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Such assessment shall include each of the following:

      (1) An identification of the strategic interests of the United States and its partners in the Armenia-Azerbaijan region.

      (2) A description of all significant uses of force in and around the Nagorno-Karabakh region and the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan during calendar year 2020, including a description of each significant use of force and an assessment of who initiated the use of such force.

      (3) An assessment of the effect of United States military assistance to Azerbaijan and Armenia on the regional balance of power and the likelihood of further use of military force.

      (4) An assessment of the likelihood of any further uses of force or potentially destabilizing activities in the region in the near- to medium-term.

      (b) Form Of Assessment.—The assessment required under this section shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex.

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