Zarmanazan 2020, the Western Armenian summer programme, will take place high up in the mountains in the French-Swiss Alps Region of France, from 12 July to 7 August. It will combine three interconnecting initiatives:
– A summer programme for children ages 10 to 17;
– A summer creative programme for young adults ages 19 to 24;
An intensive university diploma programme designed for Western Armenian teachers in the Armenian Diaspora, certified by the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations (INALCO), Paris.
Children and young adults will participate in various age appropriate activities. These will include music, performing arts, self-expression, visual and audiovisual arts, crafts sessions, creative writing and literature reading workshops, outdoor games, field trips and much more! All activities will be conducted in Armenian and led by a team of talented expert facilitators.
Zarmanazan is open to all children and young adults in the Armenian Diaspora. The number of spaces is limited.
Please note that an intermediate level of Armenian proficiency is required for the young adults’ group.
The intensive university diploma programme is limited to 15 teachers and it will combine expert direction with practical training, interactive lectures, the latest pedagogic approaches and materials.
For more information visit:
Deadline for all applications: 19 January 2020, 23:00 GMT.
All applicants will be contacted by 6 February 2020.
The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation launched the educational project “Zarmanazan” in 2017 as part of its Western Armenian revitalisation programme. It is organised in partnership with L’association Mille et un Mondes (Lyon, France) and Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO, Paris, France). The Zarmanazan summer programme is certified by the French Ministry of Youth and Sports.