WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Vice Chair of the Armenian-American Caucus, offered a statement in response to the passage of H.Res. 296, a resolution to recognize and commemorate the Armenian Genocide:

“Today, the House decisively voted to commemorate the Armenian Genocide. In so doing, the House declared that it will no longer be party to the cause of genocide denial. This is a vote I have fought for 19 years to make possible, and one that tens of thousands of my Armenian American constituents have worked, struggled, and prayed for decades to see.

“I am grateful to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, as well as the Armenian American activists and community leaders who have fought for recognition for so long. While we can never undo the atrocities of the Armenian Genocide, this vote is a commitment that we will never forget and we will never again be intimidated into silence.”

H.Res. 296, introduced by Schiff and Rep. Bilirakis (R-FL), passed with strong bipartisan consensus by a vote of 405-11. Watch Rep. Schiff’s floor speech in support of the resolution.

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