With the official kickoff of the snap parliamentary election campaign in Armenia, scheduled for December 9th, accusations against each other were flying between rival forces, especially between the “My Step” bloc leader Nikol Pashinian and Republican Party of Armenia representatives.

Since Pashinian came to power on the heels of a popular revolution, the former regime members are constantly accusing the new government that it is willing to return Armenian lands to Azerbaijan, with no proof or a statements to backup such claims.

On the first day of the election campaign, Sasun Mikayelian, a member of the “My Step” alliance and a former freedom fighter during Artsakh liberation war, made an unthoughtful remark, saying that the recent popular revolution was more important than the victory during the Artsakh war. This immediately became a subject of speculations. Words of condemnation were heard from Yerevan to Stepanakert, as if they were eagerly awaiting for a mistake made in the heat of an election campaign. Even though at the next campaign stop Mikayelian maid the necessary clarification, yet his words were still somehow tied to the “land returning” theory. Ironically, the same people who are accusing Pashinian in willing to make concessions, are the ones who in the past have signed the “Madrid Principles” agreeing to make territorial compromises before Artsakh’s final status was even agreed upon.

This misplaced and coordinated uproar over the issue of Artsakh, naturally forced Pashinian to react in strong terms against his opponents, and especially the RPA.”Not a single vote to the Republican Party, not one. Because you can not forgive them. Because the experience has shown that as much as we try not to create strain, but introduce an atmosphere of love and tolerance, it encourages them more and more.” By uttering these words, Pashinian maid it clear that he will run an uncompromising campaign against the Republicans, so that they are not able to enter the next Parliament and continue their “dirty work”.

“Not a single vote for the Republican Party of Armenia” should become the slogan of each and every citizen in Armenia.


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