MISSION HILLS — The Ararat-Eskijian-Museum and The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) present “The Sins of the Fathers: Turkish Denialism and the Armenian Genocide” by Siobhan Nash-Marshall Mary T. Clark Chair of Christian Philosophy, Manhattanville College on Sunday December 10, 2017 at 4PM, Ararat-Eskijian Museum/ Sheen Chapel, 15105 Mission Hills Rd. Mission Hills Ca 91345.
In 1915 the government of the Ottoman Empire began systematically to rip Western Ar-menians off the lands where their ancestors had lived since time immemorial. It ordered that Armenian men be murdered, and the Armenian women, children, and grandparents be de-ported into areas of Syria declared unfit for human life. Most of the Armenians who man-aged to survive the death march were slaughtered there. In The Sins of the Fathers-the first part in The Betrayal of Philosophy trilogy-Dr. Siobhan Nash-Marshall connects the total dis-regard of fact and people, of lands and history that informed the Armenian Genocide and Turkish denial to what is today informing our world and culture.
Siobhan Nash-Marshall holds the Mary T. Clark Chair of Christian Philosophy at Manhat-tanville College. Author of many academic books and articles on metaphysics and the prob-lem of evil, she also has written books and articles for the general public-Joan of Arc: A Spir-itual Biography and What It Takes to be Free: Religion and the Roots of Democracy. In recent years, Nash-Marshall has devoted a lot of attention to genocide and genocide negationism. The Sins of the Fathers is her first book-length treatment of the topic. After the breakout of the war in Syria, Nash-Marshall and some friends founded the Christians In Need Foundation (CINF), through which they attempt to help the ancient Christian cultures of the world which are presently in peril.
For more information about the event, contact the Ararat-Eskijian Museum at (747) 500-7585 or [email protected], or NAASR at (617) 489-1610 or [email protected].