BAKU — Members of the US House of Representatives – David Valadao, Frank Pallone and Tulsi Gabbard have been included in the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry’s Black list of people who are declared persona non grata, for visiting Nagorno Karabakh republic.

According to Azerbaijani Ministry, the US congressmen have breach the norms and principles of international law, the Helsinki Final Act, at the same time, justify and support “the occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenia, the bloody ethnic cleansing of more than one million peaceful Azerbaijanis in the occupied territories and aggressive separatism”.

Representatives Representatives Frank Pallone and Tulsi Gabbard met with government officials and lawmakers in Stepanakert on September 20th after touring the nearby historical town of Shushi.

Pallone and Gabbard were part of a six-member U.S. congressional delegation that held talks with Armenian lawmakers and senior government officials in Yerevan on Tuesday. Another member of the delegation, David Valadao, travelled to Karabakh on Monday September 18, to inspect U.S.-funded demining activities there.

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