YEREVA — The Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America , Inc. (AESA) in collaboration with American University of Armenia (AUA) has scheduled an inaugural three day symposium on the AUA campus to take place from Sep 26-28 of 2016, in Yerevan, Armenia. The symposium is open to the public and will address solar and renewable energy science, technology, design, and application.

The AUA symposium is the first of its kind. AESA and AUA are very delighted to have world renowned scientist and consulting engineer Dr. Peter Gevorkian, P.E. of Vector Delta Design Group (USA) will be the principal presenter, and Dr. Artak Hambaryan of AUA will be hosting the symposium.

AESA and AUA collaboratively drafted the following symposium mission statement:
“Our mission is to lay the foundations for renewable power generation technologies in Armenia by promoting advanced education in sciences and engineering accreditation in [Armenia’s] universities, and promote development of renewable energy technology research and product development hub in the region. The overall worldwide growth potential of the renewable power and Armenia’s need in development of a high tech value creation chain is a historical opportunity window that may allow Armenia to become one of the players in science, technology and engineering in the renewable energy field”.

AESA is a sponsor of the symposium along with ConnectTo (USA), which has led the design and development of the symposium website Those interested in participating in the symposium may register through the website and find useful information about the details of the symposium and topics covered during each session. The event will also be live streamed allowing for remote participation by interested individuals as well as live interactive question and answer.

Dr. Peter Gevorkian has over 25 years of experience in the solar and renewable energy sector. He has covered engineering and design projects, both small and large scale, for power generation. In addition to research and development, university lectures, and curriculum development for solar and renewable energy studies, Dr. Gevorkian has authored over 17 books, nine of which cover the entirety of solar power technologies, books are published by McGraw-Hill and Cambridge University press. Dr. Gevorkian’s books are currently used as engineering textbooks in numerous universities as well as solar power design reference books worldwide. Future plans for 2017 Symposium in Solar and Renewable energy are in the works that will involve international experts, companies, governmental ministries and academia to participate in a more comprehensive forum.

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