GLENDALE — An “Evening in the Garden,” a dinner dance to support Haigazian University, will be held at 5 pm on Saturday, August 6, at Descanso Gardens in La Canada. The event will begin with a social hour, followed by dinner and a short update about Haigazian. Dancing will follow to the beat of “Oldies” dance music.

The evening is being planned by advocates of the only Armenian University in the Diaspora, Haigazian, located in Beirut, Lebanon. This event is designed specifically to provide Syrian-Armenian students with tuition and housing during this critical time. Currently, 39 Syrian Armenian students are studying at Haigazian, most receiving financial aid based on need. Three of this year’s graduating class were from Aleppo.

The University operates on the American model of higher education in a Christian environment. English is the language of instruction and academic freedom is important. Haigazian educates its students in the fields of Business, Economics, English, Armenian, Biology, and Chemistry. Among its other majors are Computer Science, Math, Physics, Education, Political Science, Social Work, and Psychology.

In Beirut, Lebanon, the passionate President of this liberal arts university is Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian; the dedicated Dean of Arts and Sciences is Dr. Arda Ekmekji. In Los Angeles the devoted Chairperson of the Haigazian Board of Trustees is Dr. Ani Darakjian; the enthusiastic President of the Haigazian Alumni is Raffi Kendirjian.

Dinner dance tickets are $150. Sponsorships categories are $500 (2 tickets) $1,000 (4 tickets), $2,500 (6 tickets), and $5,000 (10 tickets). Every donation received for this garden event will be appreciated by the Armenian students, in need, and will keep Haigazian blooming. Reservations should be sent to Haigazian University Support Fund, Inc., c/o Ms. Houri Tavitian, 1361 Western Ave., Glendale, CA 91201.

Descanso Gardens is located just 20 minutes from Downtown, at 1418 Descanso Drive, La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011. Guests may arrive early if they wish to tour the gardens ahead of the event. Gardens are open from 9-5 for a separate admission. For information please contact Raffi Kendirjian 818-859-0822, Grace Kurkjian 714-773-9075, or Houri Tavitian 818-240-4723.

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