WINNETKA — On Friday, March 22nd, 2013 at 8:00 PM, the Organization of Istanbul Armenians Executive Board, along with the cooperation of its Cultural and Mekhitarian Alumni Committees, is organizing a lecture / discussion session concerning Armenian Genocide Research and Study Programs in USA. During the event, the direction and progress of these study programs will be discussed as well as the achievements and failures.

The keynote speaker will be historian and sociologist Prof. Taner Akcam, Kaloosdian / Mugar Chair of Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University and the discussant of the event will be political sciences Prof. Richard Hrair Dekmejian, Director of USC Institute of Armenian Studies.

Clark University is the only University in USA, where a graduate program is being offered researching the Armenian Genocide through training doctoral candidates. Students in this program are promising scholars and future professionals who are crucial to the historical understanding of the Armenian genocide studies. The mandate of the university is to fund graduate student fellowships, host conferences with first-rate scholars, and advance significant research on the Armenian Genocide in order to attract first-rate students to complete their PhD in this discipline. On the other hand, in order to keep pace with this demanding level of study and training, doctoral candidates require adequate financial support in order to maintain the momentum of their research and education far into the future.

The main scope and purpose of organizing this kind of a lecture is to create in our community a deep understanding and awareness about the Armenian Genocide Research and Study Programs in USA. We believe that this understanding and awareness will generate interest and support around this program and will encourage other universities to follow course.

Furthermore, it may provide a real opportunity for all of those who are really concerned, to extend their economic support to help the enhancement and the promotion of the task for our future scholars. We have to sow new seeds for our cause to create a better understanding and recognition globally, towards the first genocide of the XXth century.

Therefore, Organization of Istanbul Armenians cordially invites all Armenians to attend this important lecture / discussion that will be presented by two professors in our organization’s center. Admission is free and a reception will follow the lecture. OIA Center is located at 19726 Sherman Way, Winnetka, CA 91306.

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