Source: Nashua Telegraph

NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Yalcin and Serpil Ayasli Turkish-American couple living in Nashua, New Hampshire, ranks among America’s most generous political donors giving more money to politicians and political action groups than anyone else in the country during the 2008 election cycle, according to the nonpartisan Center For Responsive Politics. Their beneficence hasn’t slowed much since, apparently funded by a steady sale of stock in the integrated circuits company that Yalcin Ayasli founded.
While the Ayaslis’ donations have tipped toward Republicans recently, a closer look suggests their giving has nothing to do with partisan politics, but rather is aimed toward advancing Turkish-American relations and the interests and image of Turkey in the United States.
Most recently, Yalcin Ayasli and groups he supports helped lead the countercharge against bringing the Armenian Genocide Resolution to a vote during the closing days of the 111th Congress.
The Ayaslis and their children gave $277,800 to various candidates and political action committees for the 2010 election cycle….The Complete article at can be read here

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