YEREVAN — The first truck from Shanghai arrived in Yerevan as the Crossroads of Peace project, initiated by the Armenian government, officially launched.

The cargo was loaded into a truck in China’s Shanghai and then loaded into another truck in Korgas at the China-Kazakhstan border checkpoint.

“So, the truck went through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran, undergoing all necessary customs procedures. There were some issues that we managed to resolve quickly, so it took the cargo around 20 days to travel from Shanghai to Yerevan,” Aram Sahakyan, the director of the transport company, revealed.

Armenia’s Crossroads of Peace project, first presented by PM Nikol Pashinyan in October 2023, aims at establishing transport infrastructure in the South Caucasus region and is expected to use open borders, as well as economic, political, and cultural connections for the peace agenda.

Armenia’s National Security Service recently set up a department for maintaining security of cargo, transport, and individuals travelling through Armenia via international routes.

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