ISTANBUL — The twelfth International Hrant Dink Award was presented on Tuesday, September 15th by an online ceremony. This year’s awards were granted to Osman Kavala who devoted his life to building a pluralistic and democratic society and showed that human rights and social dialogue can be strengthened through culture and art and Mozn Hassan one of the pioneers of the feminist movement across the Middle East and North Africa, struggling against sexual violence and women’s rights violations in Egypt.

The award ceremony was hosted by Sebnem Bozoklu and Alican Yücesoy in Turkish, and also by Ece Dizdar in English languages. The ceremony was held at 23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory and the opening speech was delivered by International Hrant Dink Award Committee President Ahmet Insel.

Arto Tunçboyaciyan, Can Bonomo, Dialog Project, Kalben, Kudsi Erguner, and O.F.F. have participated in the ceremony with their special performances for the night.

Moreover, people and institutions from Turkey and all around the world, who shed light to humanity with their struggles are acknowledged as the ‘Inspirations’ of 2020. Among the Inspirations of this year, there human and women’s rights defenders from Turkey to Chile, Indonesia to Lebanon, Germany to the United States, India to China, as well as inspirational individuals and initiatives with their demands for peace, equal citizenship, democracy and justice.

At the ceremony, Rakel Dink sang one of the favorite songs of her husband Hrant Dink at Surp Toros Armenian Church in Tekirdag Malkara, which is awaiting restoration. The night ended with the song “Son Dakika Golü” (Last Minute Goal) by Arto Tunçboyaciyan composed specially for the ceremony.

Osman Kavala the laureate from Turkey has written in his later from the prison “I do believe that prejudices across different segments of the society and people living in different countries can be overcome through using our reason, engaging in dialogue and listening to one another.” to remark the importance of dialogue.

The laureate from Egypt Mozn Hassan in her speech, “Being presented with such an honourable award today makes it all worthwhile and reminds me to never lose hope regardless of the consequences and to always keep fighting regardless of the repercussions” to remark the importance of struggle against discrimination.

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