JERUSALEM — Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Nourhan Manougian has sent a letter to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, urging him to stop the supply of Israeli weapons to Azerbaijan. The letter reads:

His Excellency Mr. Reuven Rivlin
President of State of Israel

Your Excellency,
Since September 27, 2020, the Azerbaijani army has been attacking the peaceful population of Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian enclave in the Caucuses region. A heavy and destructive war is being waged along the entire border line between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces. Due to Azerbaijani aggressive activities, there have been reported hundreds of deaths and wounded civilians and soldiers.

Mr. President, it is sad and painful to be informed by the Israeli news media that the war planes being used by Azerbaijan are being supplied by Israel. The weapons, drones and artilleries sent from Israel are being used against peaceful population of Nagorno-Karabakh causing deaths and injuries. Such an effort implies that Israel, who needs more peace, is siding with Azerbaijan to revive its war and animosity against Armenians, instead of playing a peace-seeking role.

By this letter we appeal to Your Excellency, to interfere with your government to stop supplying weapons to Azerbaijan. You are a person with a peace-loving character, and someone who knows well the sufferings of your people through Holocaust and pogroms, therefore, we rely on your conscience and judgment to do your best to stop Israel supporting an aggressor enemy, Azerbaijan, to harm the peaceful population of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia.

We always pray for your health, wishing a prosperous career, and we are hopeful that with your mediation our request will have a positive result.

Azerbaijani planes flying to Israel and back

Flightradar24 platform clearly shows that two different cargo planes of the Azerbaijani Silk way airlines (majority of shares of which belong to Aliyev’s daughter) are operating flights from Baku to Israel and back, Razminfo informs.

The first IL-76TD ZP4612 departs from Israel’s Uvda region (where Israel has airbase) to Baku.

The next IL-76TD-90VD departs from Baku and enters Turkey’s territory via Georgia. Most likely heading to Israel.

1 comment
  1. This policy along with aggressive actions of national Turkish army in the north of Syria and its participation in the Libyan conflict only confirms the fact that Erdogan has begun to implement his plan of the Ottoman Empire revival.

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