FRESNO — Despite the impact of the ongoing pandemic, the Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) has worked hard to expand its efforts to foster Armenian Studies through different initiatives. Three existing and new competitive grants have been announced, with deadlines scheduled for September. The first two are open to students who are current members of the SAS.

The Fall 2020 edition of the SAS Graduate Research and Conference Grants for M.A. and Ph.D. students is underway. The amount of grants will be up to $1,000 per applicant and the deadline is September 15, 2020. Applications can be made here:

Due to the current restrictions on travel, applicants should also specify an alternative plan if they request funding for travel. Funding will also be available for research-related expenses (archival and library materials, et cetera).

These grants have been made possible by the institutional support of twelve Armenian Studies chairs, programs, centers, and libraries in the United States and abroad.

The Nina G. Garsoïan Graduate Research Grant for Ancient and Early Medieval Armenian History for M.A. and Ph.D. students has been recently launched. This grant of up to $1,000 will be awarded on an annual basis to a graduate student in the field. The deadline for this year grant is also on September 15, 2020.

Nina G. Garsoïan is a world renowned Byzantinist and Armenologist who was the dean of the Princeton University Graduate School and the first holder of the Gevork M. Avedissian Chair in Armenian History and Civilization at Columbia University. The grant is funded by Dr. Levon Avdoyan, who recently retired as the Area Specialist for Armenia and Georgia at the African and Middle Eastern Division of the Library of Congress. Dr. Avdoyan received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in New York in ancient and Armenian history under the supervision of Prof. Garsoïan.

The third grant addresses graduate students and post-graduate scholars, both SAS and non-SAS members. It is designed to support scholarship in the field of Armenian Studies that focuses on racial matters with the intention to encourage filling the gap of research on race. Two grants of up to $500 per applicant will be awarded. The deadline is September 30, 2020.

The SAS welcomes proposals for any research project that grapples with the role race has played in Armenian history across time and space, and particularly examines the impact of racial policies and racism on Armenian communities in the United States and/or explores the relations and entanglements between Armenians and Black communities in the United States. Researchers are highly encouraged to engage with the work of Black, indigenous, and other scholars of color and with critical race theory.

Applications can be made here:

For further information about these exciting grants, please write to Bedross Der Matossian, at [email protected] or visit the SAS website at

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