Again, there is alarm sounding that a new wave of departures from Armenia is on the horizon. Significant increase in consumer goods prices has begun. At the same time rising income tax rates is hitting the population, almost at all levels, adding to the already dire situation under which people are living.

Inflation is the result of the monopolies and privileges given to a small group of people who control most of Armenia’s economy and continue to rob the money earned by the people’s sweat. Meanwhile, the taxes are raised by the government’s decision, to fill the state’s empty treasury. In both cases, the responsibility falls on the same authorities who, over the years, have failed to pursue a sustainable and promising economic policy to improve the living standards of the citizenry.

In other countries, people are taking to the streets in the face of such conditions and governments are resorting to dramatic moves to alleviate the dissatisfaction. We recently witnessed these in Iran and Tunisia where strong protests have taken place, clashes occurred and casualties have been reported.

Naturally, it is not desirable to see loss of life, but many are amazed that the people of Armenia, despite their dissatisfaction, are not on the streets protesting, as they have done just few years ago, compelling the authorities to make concessions and achieved some success. This situation is explained by the fact that the people of Armenia are exhausted and do not have faith in the future. The more alarming is the fact that they have found another way of expressing their dissatisfaction. They are leaving the country to look for a better life, for themselves and for their families, elsewhere in the world.

This is how the Armenian authorities are pushing the people to emigrate, bringing the country to the brink of disaster.
In the face of this, we are obliged to sound the alarm and constantly write about the subject of emigration.

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