PARIS — During the annual dinner of the Coordinating Council of Armenian Organizations of France, Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, has expressed her support to all her friends of Armenia who are threatened worldwide.

Nouvelles d’Armenie reported on this occasion the Mayor announced her intentions on awarding Garo Paylan, the ethnic Armenian lawmaker of Turkey’s Parliament, with the Medal of City of Paris.

In her speech Hidalgo also commented on her visit to Yerevan. “It’s very rare for me to have such a clear feeling of true identical culture in another city”, she said. At the same time, she stressed she is stunned by the modernity of Yerevan, namely by her visit to TUMO center. “Upon departing, I thought what can Paris give to Yerevan, upon returning I thought how can Yerevan convey its innovative ideas and dynamics to Paris”, Hidalgo said.

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