After careful consideration and undergoing a vetting process for propositions that best serve the Armenian-American community in California, the Armenian Council of America-Political Action Committee (ACA-PAC) is proud to announce their endorsements of the following propositions for the November 8 elections:

Proposition 51:

This $9 billion state school bond will provide funding to repair K-12 schools, upgrade classrooms and train veterans. It is intended to bring schools up to health and safety standards, as well as relieve overcrowding in classrooms, allocating about $2 billion for community colleges.

Proposition 52:

Extends the current fees paid by hospitals to receive more matching Medi-Cal funds from the federal government helping low income individuals continue receiving medical treatment.

Proposition 55:

The Millionaire’s Tax would extend the 2012 voter-approved tax increase on those who earn $250,000 individually or over $500,000 for couples. The majority of the revenue will serve K-12 schools and the remaining will be allocated for community colleges and low-income healthcare programs.

Proposition 56:

Raises the tax on tobacco from 87 cents per pack to $2 in an effort to encourage citizens to stop smoking. It does not cost taxpayers any money. The tax will increase funding for healthcare programs.

Proposition 58:

Would increase bilingual education in public schools and repeal Proposition 227 passed in 1998, which mandated English only programs at schools. Proposition 58 would allow schools to be flexible in providing bilingual programs to limited English speakers and foreign language courses to native English speakers.

Proposition 61:

Pharmaceutical companies will not be able to charge state agencies high rates for prescription drugs. Prop 61 puts a cap on prescription costs, allowing the state to pay the same rate as the Department of Veteran Affairs, which pays the lowest in the nation.

Proposition 62:

Abolishes the costly death penalty system, re-sentencing death row inmates to life in prison without parole. Proposition 62 is projected to save Californians $150 million a year.

Proposition 63:

Toughens gun control laws in California enforcing mandatory background checks for people purchasing ammunition and prohibits possession of large-capacity magazines.

City of Los Angeles
Measure A:

Increases funding for Los Angeles County parks, beaches, recreational areas and water conservation protection programs.

Measure M:

Metro plans to improve traffic conditions in Los Angeles by expanding its rail lines to ease congestion on busy roads and freeways modernizing our outdated transportation systems.

Measure HHH:

$1.2 billion bond aims to help the homeless in the City of Los Angeles. The bond money would be used to build supportive and affordable housing for the homeless and for those in danger of becoming homeless including battered women, foster youth, vets, seniors and the disabled.

Measure CC:

$3.5 billion construction bond to revitalize the Los Angeles Community College District’s 9 colleges. This measure allows the Board of Trustees to efficiently implement the bond which in the past, was mismanaged and wasted by community college presidents.

City of Glendale
Measure GC:

This Glendale Community College $325 thousand bond will improve the facilities at the college, upgrade classrooms, labs, infrastructure, emergency safety and water conservation.

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