LOS ANGELES — In Honor Of Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day KCET and LINK TV Present Documentaries “Orphans Of The Genocide” and “Uprooted” Revealing Often Untold Stories of Armenian History and CultureOrphans Of The Genocide will be telecast Sunday, April 10 at 8 p.m. ET/PT nationwide on Link TV (DirecTV Channel 375 and Dish Network Channel 9410) and Sun., Apr 24 at 1:30 p.m. PT in Southern California on KCET

uprootedUprooted premieres Sunday, April 24 at 8 p.m. ET/PT nationwide on Link TV (DirecTV Channel 375 and Dish Network Channel 9410) and at 7 p.m. PT in Southern California on KCET

Orphans Of The Genocide , Emmy award-winning Director Bared Maronian’s critically-acclaimed documentary, sheds light on crimes against humanity and tells part of a larger story of the Armenian genocide of 1915 through the eyes of some of its more than 130,000 orphaned children. The documentary focuses on one orphanage, Antoura, where 1,000 children orphaned by the Armenian genocide lived and were forcefully converted to Turkish beliefs and culture during World War I. The film features never-before-seen archival footage as well as recently discovered memoirs of orphans.

Uprooted is a documentary from Producer and Director Hagop Goudsouzian that traces the evolution of Armenian culture, identity and heritage. Research in Uprooted weaves together stories in an attempt to answer the question of what being Armenian means in America today. Goudsouzian’s personal and passionate film features interviews with expert sources who continue to delve into the critical elements of Armenian identity.

As an additional way for KCET and Link TV programming to amplify the importance of recognizing the Armenian Genocide, viewers who tune-in to the broadcast will have the opportunity to receive DVD copies of Uprooted as a gift for a $60 donation, or acclaimed filmmaker Hagop Goudsouzian’s DVD trilogy set of Armenian Exile, My Son Shall be Armenian and Uprooted for a $150 donation.

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