YEREVAN — The newly appointed U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia Richard M. Mills, Jr reflected on the Armenian ­American relations and introduced the priorities of the Embassy at the course of his swearing ­in ceremony. The Ambassador noted that the U.S. policy towards Armenia is very clear.

“The goal of our Armenian policy is straightforward: a free and prosperous Armenia, at peace with its neighbors. To achieve that goal, my priorities will be to assist the Armenian Government and people in strengthening Armenia’s democracy and rule of law; and liberalizing its economy and expanding its trade with a range of partners, including the United States.”

Among other things, Ambassador Mills underscored: “The sharp rise in violence and casualties along the Nagorno­Karabakh line of conflict over the past year is deeply troubling and it is in no nation’s interest. The United States appreciates Armenia’s commitment to resolving the Nagorno­Karabakh conflict peacefully. The United States is committed to helping the parties reach a peaceful, negotiated settlement through the Minsk Group process. In Yerevan, I will make it a priority to coordinate with Ambassador James Warlick, the U.S. Co­Chair of the Minsk Group, on how the Embassy and I can assist his efforts to quell this troubling upsurge in violence and find a peaceful settlement.”

“The other issue of special importance as I begin my service in Yerevan is the commemoration this year of the centenary of one of the 20th century’s worst atrocities. I want to emphasize to the Armenian community that I understand the special responsibility this anniversary places on Embassy Yerevan in the coming months. The U.S. embassy in Yerevan will work to demonstrate that the United States and American people stand in solidarity with the Armenian people at this solemn time and will never, never forget this tragedy, in which more than a million Armenians were killed,” Ambassador Mills emphasized.

Richard M. Mills, Jr. received Senate confirmation of his nomination as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia on December 16, 2014.

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