LOS ANGELES — Drawing on the glamour of Los Angeles in the 1950s, when the Ararat Home of Los Angeles was newly established, the Ararat Home New Wing Celebration Committee has hired Neptune Productions to design its Jubilee Dinner Dance, a black tie event to be held on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Allen G, noted for his big band style, will provide an international array of music with the exciting multilingual AREV X band, and Araksya Karapetyan, FOX 11 Morning News anchor, will preside over the brief program as the Mistress of Ceremonies.
The committee has been working diligently since late fall to make this a night to remember. Led by co-chairs Ron Nazeley and Berj Shahbazian, the committee includes Louise Arklin, Debbie Avedian, Lily Balian, Araxie Boyamian, Alice Chakrian, Nora Hampar, Eileen Keusseyan, Tamar Mashigian, Silva Naccashian, Vivian Nazeley, Angela Parseghian, Belet Shahbazian, Hilda Sinanian, Arthur Zabounian and Dzovig Zeitlian.
Ararat Home of Los Angeles was founded by a group of Armenians in 1949 to provide care for the elderly in Southern California. The Home has received numerous awards during its 65 years of existence, and continues to operate at full capacity. The newly completed expansion has added 19,000 square feet to the existing structure and will provide 58 additional beds to continue the highest quality level of care afforded to its residents. The 2-story New Wing will be fully operational by the end of this month.
The activities of February 8 start at 6 pm at the Ararat Home New Wing site with the Opening Ceremony. Armenian clergy will bless the New Wing, and after the ribbon cutting dignitaries and anyone who wants to attend will have a tour of the new facility. At 7:00 pm there will be a reception and cocktail in the foyer of the Ararat Home Ballroom, and dinner is at 8 pm, with entertainment provided by AREV X Allen G band throughout the night.
Tickets are $150 per person and sponsorship levels are available as follows: Grand Benefactor, $25,000 and up; Benefactor, $10,000; Patron, $5,000; Donor, $2,500; and Friend, $1,000. All sponsorship levels will be recognized in the event program, and donors of $1,000 and above will be recognized with a plaque in the New Wing.
For tickets and sponsorship opportunities for the Jubilee Dinner Dance, please contact Louise Arklin at (818) 368-3463.