YEREVAN — The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) expects Armenia to clarify the prospects of its relations with the military pact, CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov said, TASS news agency reported.

Speaking at a meeting of the Council of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly, he said: ‘We expect the political leadership of Armenia to bring clarity to the prospects of its relations with the CSTO. This would be to the benefit of all members of our association, first of all, for full planning of further joint activities.’

At the same time, he noted that ‘over the past year, colleagues from Armenia have significantly reduced their participation in the organisation’s events.’

“Nevertheless, the main mechanisms of interaction are functioning. The Republic of Armenia remains a full-fledged member of the organisation, all commitments regarding this country are preserved in full,” Tasmagambetov stressed.

Earlier, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said that Armenia will not participate in the financing of the CSTO activities.

According to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Armenia is officially a member of the CSTO, but its participation in the organization is frozen, and the continuation of the CSTO membership is a matter for further discussion.

The crisis in our relations arose precisely from the moment when Azerbaijani troops invaded Armenia, and according to the CSTO procedures, the organization and its member states should have supported Armenia in this situation, but they did not do so,’ Pashinyan recalled.

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