PARIS — On June 17th, during the working visit of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, Suren Papikyan, to France, a significant military-technical cooperation agreement was signed between the Ministry of Defense of Armenia (RA) and the French military-industrial company KNDS.

As part of his visit, Minister Papikyan met with the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu. The discussions focused on the current state of defense cooperation between Armenia and France, with Minister Papikyan providing updates on the progress of defense reforms in Armenia and the activities carried out within the framework of cooperation with France.

Both parties underscored the importance of military-technical cooperation and reached new agreements in this area. The culmination of these discussions was the signing of a military-technical cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Defense of Armenia and KNDS.

In addition to the bilateral meetings, Minister Papikyan attended the opening ceremony of the EUROSATORY international exhibition. During his visit to the exhibition, he toured various pavilions, familiarized himself with the exhibits, and held meetings with representatives of different military-industrial companies.


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