Church of St. Mary, Botosani, Romania, by Hrair Hawk Khatcherian

BELMONT, MA — The Ararat-Eskijian Museum, the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR), and the Narekatsi Chair in Armenian Studies at UCLA, will present a webinar on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, at 12:00 noon (Eastern Time)/9:00 am (Pacific), “Armenian Treasures in Romania,” with Dr. Levon Chookaszian, Bishop Datev Hakobyan, Hrair Hawk Khatcherian, and Dr. Claude Mutafian.

The webinar will be accessible live on Zoom (registration required) and on NAASR’s YouTube Channel. To register go to

The illustrated volume Armenian Treasures in Romania (Patrimoniul Eparhiei Armene din România) was published in 2020 and contains photographs of Armenian churches, architectural monuments, icons, manuscripts, silver crosses, mugs, manuscripts, dishes and other accessories, kept in Armenian churches, libraries, and museums in Romania.

Dr. Levon Chookaszian is the Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory at Yerevan State University whose publications include studies of T‘oros Roslin and Arshag Fetvadjian. Bishop Datev Hakobyan is the Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Romania. English translation of Bishop Tatev’s remarks will be provided by Prof. S. Peter Cowe, Narekatsi Chair in Armenian Studies at UCLA.

Hrair Hawk Khatcherian is a renowned photographer whose work includes the collections Armenia: Heaven on Earth: A Hawk’s-Eye View of Armenia and Artsakh: A Photographic Journey. Dr. Claude Mutafian is the author of many books about various topics concerning Armenia, including La Saga des Arme´niens de l’Ararat aux Carpates.

For more information contact NAASR at [email protected].

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