This year, for the safety of our students, staff and faculty, the Zoryan Institute had the exciting opportunity to offer its annual (18 years & counting!) Genocide & Human Rights University program, virtually.

GHRUP 2021 welcomed a fantastic group of 14 students from a range of academic backgrounds whose informed and dynamic contributions fueled active and gainful discussion. Over the last two weeks, together with the faculty, students examined theories of genocide, international law, the development of human rights in addition to case studies ranging from the Armenian genocide to the genocide of the Rohingya.

The Zoom platform provided a fantastic opportunity for students to connect, share resources, book recommendations and pose questions to one another through the live chat. Small group work in Zoom breakout rooms produced lively discussions that highlighted the academic range and caliber of the group.

Although we couldn’t be together in person, virtual social activities allowed the group to come together and connect over their shared passion for the field. We thank the 2021 GHRUP class for their dedication and engagement and look forward to the ways in which they’ll shape the field as genocide and human rights scholars of the future! Thank you to all the faculty for giving their time to this program, and to our generous donors who helped to make it happen!

The students had very positive things to say about their time in the course:

“The fluidity with which we moved across concepts, analyses, and examples of and pertaining to genocide. The depth that we reached each day during a session and the way it was further expanded upon as Dr. Apsel and each of the participants connected the themes across an array of topics, was also a great strength of the program.”

“One of the strengths of the course was bringing in people from all areas of study. Not just the presenters, but also students, who have such a vast background and can provide other insights into genocide and human rights that others in certain fields may not have considered before.”

“While this course ran for most of the day, it did not feel tedious or monotonous. I was often surprised at how quickly the time would pass by, which speaks to the richness of the content.”

Capping off two weeks of intensive learning and discussion was the graduation and closing ceremony. Joined by faculty, staff and Zoryan friends, we celebrated the students’ dedication and commitment to Genocide & Human Rights Studies. The 2021 GHRUP class joins a vast and accomplished GHRUP alum network of over 400+ scholars around the world who have carried the lessons and connections made at GHRUP into their careers.

You can support the education of the next generation of Genocide and Human Rights scholars by sponsoring a unit at the GHRUP 2022, or by providing a scholarship to a deserving graduate-level student. Visit to learn more and to donate today.

The Zoryan Institute

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