12,000 bags of Christmas gifts will be distributed during this Christmas season to our children in Armenia and Artsakh. The staff of the AMAA’s Avedisian School in Yerevan along with the School’s 10th and 11th graders worked tirelessly for four consecutive days under the auspices of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) and the staff of the Christian Education Department of the Evangelical Church of Armenia. They sorted the gifts, grouping them and filling the bags to bring some joy to our children, who are deprived of their carefree daily lives due to the war and have found themselves in insecure social conditions.

Since the early 1990s, every Christmas the AMAA’s Christmas Joy Program has brought many smiles and fun celebrations to thousands of children and their families throughout Armenia and Artsakh who need it more than ever this year.  From music and dancing, to Christmas plays and visits from Santa, Christmas is a happy and blessed time of the year. You may still join us and be a part of sharing God’s love and help to bring Christmas Joy to our precious children in the Homeland and Artsakh. For some, the toys and gifts may be the only Christmas presents they receive, as their families cannot afford to spend what little income they have on these items.


For as little as $15 you can still help the AMAA continue bringing the spirit and joy of Christmas directly to these children. Please visit our website at www.amaa.org to donate to the Christmas Joy Program.

Founded in 1981, the Armenian Missionary Association of America serves the religious, educational and social needs of Armenian communities in 24 countries around the world including Armenia and Artsakh. For additional information, you may visit www.amaa.org.

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